Where is the best place to put the video camera to get good results?
A single Wizard camera, tripod and sound equipment takes up at least 1.5 square metres
so always allow for that amount of free space when you are arranging seating.
In a school hall, some firm staging for tripod and camera (or cameras) will enable a clear view over audience heads.
However in a theatre decide on the position of the camera before you sell any seats.
The best position in a theatre is central and elevated. The balcony is better than the stalls but not the Upper Circle (too high).If the camera is too high, the shots will show hair and headdresses and not faces. If the camera is too low, you will get audience heads or, if positioned centre-front, the camera will be looking up at performers from an unflattering angle.
If the camera is to be located within the seating area, we will need a block of six seats
(3 in each row) per camera. Check the position with the venue. The theatre may insist that you reserve seating in the same rows, for health and safety reasons.
Give us a ring to discuss any concerns you may have about camera position and space. We will be happy to help.